Vam pitman KA-7180

Mã SP: KA-7180 | Lượt xem: 3124

rate ( đánh giá)

  • Thương hiệu: Kingtool
  • Nơi sản xuất:
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  • Tình trạng kho: Còn hàng

Giá: 280.000đ   

Vam Pitman KA-7180

  • The KA-7180 Pitman arm puller is designed to handle the toughest pitman arm pulling jobs on passenger cars and light trucks. This puller features special forged jaws shaped to fit the job, ensuring a positive grip and leaving your hands free for the pulling job. To use, simply remove the retaining nut, place the puller jaws behind the Pitman arm and tighten the forcing screw. Mechanical power does the rest!
  • Opening: 34mm (1-3/16”)
  • Pull travel: 66mm (2-1/2”)

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