Bơm dầu phanh KA-2440

Mã SP: KA-2440 | Lượt xem: 4269

rate ( đánh giá)

  • Thương hiệu: Kingtool
  • Nơi sản xuất: Đài Loan
  • Bảo hành:
  • Tình trạng kho: Còn hàng

Giá: 3.300.000đ   

Bơm dầu phanh KA-2440

Economical- fast and easy, reduces labor costs.

Versatile- handles most standard and ABS brake systems.

Clean- collects old brake fluid without spillage.

Quiet- integrated silencer for a quieter. Working environment.

Silicon suction assembly with universal rubber fitting


AIR INLET………………………………….…..1/4”

AVG AIR CON……………………………... 2CFM

WORKING PRESSURE….....…… .40 –170 PSI

TEMPERATURERANGE……........…-3℉ - 140℉

MAX CAPACITY……………….….….…. 2000c.c.

bom dau phanh

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